Friday, March 19, 2010

Victoria and Albert

Last night we saw probably the last showing in town of The Young Victoria, a splendid costume drama about Queen Victoria and how she came to fall in love with her German cousin while declaring her independence from her mother.

We loved the dresses worn by the actresses, but I know they would be horribly uncomfortable to wear. Corsets and wig pieces, horsehair and tight laces - oh my!

I always thought of Victoria as a sour old woman wearing a lace headdress, but it was fun to see a movie with her portrayed as lively and "winsome" in the beginning. Albert seemed sincere, but lackluster. It's hard to understand what she found so compelling about him.

Now I know how much I count on a full house in a theater for the full movie experience. When there are only a handful of people in the seats, the collective gasps, sighs, and laughter are just too weak to count. I'm paying for audience reaction in sound surround - and I missed it!

1 comment:

  1. great movie...

    the theater was packed when i saw it--which seems like months ago and may actually have been that long.

    audience reaction hasn't been part of my moviegoing experience for almost 50 years. the big screen gets ALL of my attention now, even though i can hear the audience these days.

    but you're right...the most unforgettable performance in that movie was emily blunt's. i didn't find albert lackluster. he just wasn't a scene stealer like victoria.


What do you think?