Snow has fallen on our neighborhood, and though it will probably melt tomorrow, I'm pretty sure we've gotten away with the Chickity-Doo-Doo on our lawn. This is unadulterated, organic, chicken manure fertilizer - and it smells AWFUL. We waited until late in November to spread it on the grass, but when I left for work the next morning, I noticed the smell all the way over to our next-door neighbor's yard. If we were lucky, no one saw us putting it on the lawn and no one will be able to figure out what the stench is from. When the snow fell this week, we rejoiced that the stuff would sink into the ground and disappear from the air. Will have to wait until next spring to see how it works!

Chickity Doo Doo was rated the #1 organic fertilizer by the UW-Madison soils dept. They also had Scotts Turf Builder in the study as well. So my guess is that you will love it come spring time.
ReplyDeleteLOL - I have chicken droppings on my lawn too - but they are usually straight out of the chicken! Real chickens are so destructive in a yard, but they do eat the ever-present slugs!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous-- I looked on the Chickity-Doo-Doo site for info on the UW rating. Instead, I came across a link to an article about how it has too much phosphorus to be sold in some WI counties. http://host.madison.com/business/article_d443f929-cf88-5cf9-a970-bdfa9b41076f.html
ReplyDeleteAnd here we thought that only laundry detergents were the culprits!
why would anyone want to ENCOURAGE grass to grow? you must love mowing!!
ReplyDeleteand weeding!!
Stronger grass keeps weeds OUT.
DeleteXE - Hah! You're absolutely right! All I can say is - *I* am not the one doing the mowing.
ReplyDeleteI tried it and liked the results. I purchased a 6 lb container used some of the granulars for a large flower bed with annuals and perennials. I also added water to a small portion at the bottom of the container to make a poop tea to see how that worked for some of my Celosia potted plants. It worked well for some potted geramiuns that started to really bloom fast. My black bamboo really seems to responded fast and sending up some new shoots. I will this product try again and recommend.
ReplyDeleteTeresa --Northern California Gardener
Glad it worked for you! I must say that I didn't really notice that it had a tremendous effect on our front yard grass. It's not lush and really, really green or anything. I might try your method of making tea with it and using it for flowers and potted plants. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMaj. Reader