Last September, we celebrated my husband's birthday with two days of family events. At brunch on the 2nd day, one of our sons-in-law gave him a gift of a number of interesting food items, among which was a can of Heinz Spotted Dick. This immediately became the source of many bad jokes/puns which, luckily, were not understood by our 3 grandchildren.
This weekend the can was rediscovered in the back of our pantry, and, having nothing particular for dessert - or "pudding," if you're British - I decided we should try it. I had thought that Spotted Dick was some sort of rice pudding with raisins, but no! It turned out to be a sort of cake that you can warm up and douse with a sweet sauce of some type. It was ..... ok. I will assume that homemade Spotted Dick (now there's a source for a rich joke) is best.
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