Friday, May 7, 2010

The 2010 Census Won't Tell Much About Us

Did anyone else wonder why there were so few questions to answer on the 2010 census form? Having unearthed lots of really interesting information from past census records about the early days of my family in this country, I'm thinking that my great-great-grandchildren (if any) won't be able to find out much about me in 2010.

Past records had great stuff like where your father was born, your occupation, etc. This time, it looks like all the government wants to know is whether you own your own house, what race you think you belong to, and who else lives with you.

Apparently, most people get the 10 question short form, but some people get the big 69-question form. Here's something from the Better Business Bureau explaining how people getting the 69-er are thinking it's a scam! Genealogists in their families will be lucky. The rest of us fall into oblivion.


  1. There is an uproar every time the census goes around. I am so grateful that I have had census records to look at when doing genealogic investigations. Some of it is heartbreaking - Number of children and number of children alive in the 1920 UK census. We discovered that Henry had an aunt or uncle we never knew about. Henry's great grandfather was listed as having an occupation at the tender age of 10! He worked in the coal mines.

  2. Hi Mom, I'll print out your blog for posterity! ha ha Love, H


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