USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) building in the Loop. We were going to join a Posada walking to some of the sites that are sources of pain for many undocumented immigrants. Most of the people were Hispanic,but there were Irish, Polish, and Filipinos, too. Each group took a turn praying in their own language. A stout older Irish man prayed in Gaelic. Apparently, there are around 50,000 undocumented Irish in the U.S. - mainly in New York, Boston, and Chicago.
Next we went to the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a federal prison for men and women awaiting hearings. Many undocumented immigrants are here. (This is also the prison where two convicted bank robbers made a daring escape using bed sheets just a year ago in December 2012. When you view this building from the plaza in front, it's crazy to think that anyone could get out of it.)

And we ended up at St. Peter's Church where we were treated to a breakfast of tamales and hot chocolate. A nice end to a good morning.