Friday, July 23, 2010

Not So Fast!

So, here are those lovely ripe San Marzano tomatoes I raved about last post. Almost every one has a rotten spot at the blossom end! I think I've heard of this type of blight, but have no idea what to do about it so far. I don't want to contaminate my compost heap with diseased plants and I'm not sure if it's ok to leave them in the garden. I'll see if Google has any ideas.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Well, lookee here!

It's only July 17 and the first San Marzano plum tomatoes are getting ripe! This is the first year I've tried growing these and they're doing great. Should be good for canning, so hope I'm up for it - it will be soon!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Travel Treasures

Last weekend we drove through Wisconsin to Minnesota to visit relatives. Even though we had stopped near Janesville only last year to buy a year's supply of honey, we were already down to one gallon. Orlovsky Apiaries, a mom-and-pop business of sorts, said they could let us have (buy!) three gallons. Here they are all nicely packed in a cardboard carton in the trunk.

Next, we went to Osseo near Eau Claire to the famed Norske Nook for two grandiose pies to add to the roster of desserts at a family barbecue.

Everyone (but me) loves their banana cream pie, but since this was summer, it had to be regular fruit pies: blueberry and peach praline. Their pies are THE BEST, next to homemade (mine). We've almost got the requisite 7 pie tins to get us a free pie on another trip!